Easter egg mosaic

During the Easter weekend, a giant mosaic in Easter eggs were made by volunteers in Ouchy. People could buy an egg, and so money is collected for the ARFEC, ‘Association Romande des Familles d’Enfants atteints d’un Cancer’ (Association of Romandy Families of Children affected by Cancer).

The eggs were placed in packages of 30 eggs, in 34 columns and 39 lines… a stunning 39.780 eggs. Sold for 1 CHF each and add to this other income from visitors and sponsors and more than 50.000 CHF were raised for ARFEC.

One of the volunteers was Bernard Matthey-Doret, and he sent me this ‘work document’, showing the grid of eggs.



Wine bottles with special labels.

Cosey present during the works.

More information and interesting pictures of the work in progress: visit this Facebook-page.

Thanks to Bernard Matthey-Doret