Drawing in L’Hebdo


Last weekend, BDFil 2010 took place in Lausanne. On this occasion, the swiss magazine L’Hebdo issued a number that was completely illustrated by comic artists. The drawing below shows Cosey’s contribution. It illustrated a presentation of the book ‘Games of the Night’ (‘Les jeux de la Nuit’ in the french translation) by the american author Jim Harrison.

Thanks to Bernard Matthey-Doret

Lhahl statue: the work has started

The sculptor Max Gillespie (Les Sculpteurs De Bulles) has started the preparatory work for the Lahl statue (see my earlier news below).

Gillespie and Cosey have decided that the statue will consits of two separate statues: the ‘traditional’ Lhahl and the ‘modern’ Lhahl. The owner of the statues can choose how to put the statues together: face to face, side by side or back to back (the original idea).

If all goes well, the statue will be available by the end of this year.

Intégrale 4


This is the cover of the 4th volume of the Jonathan Intégrale. Although two of the stories play in the USA (‘Oncle Howard est de retour’ and ‘Greyshore Island’), Cosey has chosen the Himalayan setting of ‘Celui qui mène…’.

This will be the last Intégrale… we have to wait for a 15th Jonathan album before a fifth Intégrale will appear.

You will find this 4th Intégrale in your bookshop in June.

Cosey and Derib about Hergé

As you might know, there is a law suit in Brussels against ‘Tintin au Congo’ – a Congolese man demands prohibition of the 1931 album by Hergé. In an article and a ‘infocast’ on ’24 Heures’ (the Lausanne based newspaper), Derib and Cosey talk about this law suit.

This photo goes with the article: reunion of two old friends in Derib’s atelier.

Click here for the article

Last check: april 2016 – the link doesn’t work anymore.

Les Guetteurs du passé


Cosey made the book cover for ‘Les Guetteurs du passé’, a novel by Yves Blanc. The book is about a historian who, in a future era, will investigate our present. On the back of the book is another drawing by Cosey – a portrait of the book’s author.

Yves Blanc is the driving force behind many musical initiatives. Among others the radio show and cd collection ‘La Planète Bleue’. Cosey made cover and booklet illustrations for the Volume 3 cd of this collection in 2005. As you see, some elements of this cover were retaken in the book cover.


The Lhahl statue


Some more news about the Lhahl Statue.

First about its maker, Max Gillespie. Max Gillespie studied art at Clermont Ferrand and from 2000 onwards he makes statues of comics characters. Among others he contributes to many statues of Michel Aroutcheff. Below you see an examples of an Aroutcheff statue of Tintin (Max sculpted the characters) and a statue of Atalante (comic character by Crisse).


Second: Lhahl herself. The statue will show two versions of Lhahl, a traditional and a modern version, sitting back to back in a lotus position. The traditional Lhahl in the album sits in the lotus position, although she is shown from a large distance (see page 54). The modern Lhahl is not shown in a lotus position in the album – but look at this image (used on a Christmas card for Raspoutine comics shop in Lausanne).

Cosey, ‘Le Bouddha d’Azur’ and ‘Les Sculpteurs de Bulles’


The year 2010 starts with an interesting announcement of ‘Les Sculpteurs de Bulles’. This is an association that wants to produce statues of comics heroines… in this case Lhahl, one of the main characters in ‘Le Bouddha d’Azur’.

The idea is to make a statue combining the traditional and the modern Lhahl, both sitting in a Lotus position.

To get the project started, they need us! Please read their message. The original message is French; the English translation is made by me.

Cosey, Le Bouddha d’Azur et  Les Sculpteurs de Bulles

L’association Les Sculpteurs De Bulles, spécialisée dans la production de statuettes représentant des héroïnes de Bande Dessinée, souhaite produire pour la fin de l’année 2010 une pièce d’exception tirée de l’oeuvre Le Bouddha d’Azur de Bernard Cosey.

La statuette serait une representation de 2 versions du personnage de Lhahl assises en lotus et dos à dos. D’un coté, Lhahl dans sa version contemporaine, vision moderne de la femme Tibetaine, telle que representée pages 74 à 78 du tome 2 du Bouddha d’Azur, lors de sa discussion avec Porridge, et de l’autre cote, Lhahl dans sa version avatar Tulku, représentation vivante de la memoire ancestrale du Tibet, avatar Bouddique, mémoire incarnée de la culture Tibetaine, dans son habit traditionnel, telle qu’elle est representée page 54 du tome 2.

Le tirage de cette pièce d’exception, sculptée par Max Gillespie, serait de 40 exemplaires. La hauteur de cette résine polychrome réalisée à partir de moules multiples serait d’environ 30 cm.

Le prix de vente par souscription serait de 800 euros. Le prix de vente public hors souscription serait de 1100 euros.

Les Sculpteurs De Bulles lanceront la production de cette pièce dès lors que 20 souscripteurs se seront présentés. Il leur sera demandé de verser la somme en 3 paiements à 2 ou 3 mois d’intervalle. Les paiements serviront à payer les droits d’auteur, le sculpteur et la production, de manière étalée dans le temps pour permettre aux intéréssés de ne pas avoir à avancer toute la somme en une fois.

Actuellement 4 personnes ont déjà émis le souhait de participer à cette aventure hors du commun aux côtés d’une association sérieuse et d’un auteur ayant acquis au fil des ans et de ses oeuvres une notoriété à nulle autre pareille.

Les Sculpteurs De Bulles et Bernard Cosey seraient heureux de vous compter parmi les futurs acquéreurs de cette pièce d’exception, qui deviendra comme les autres sculptures de Max Gillespie une référence de qualité dans le monde de la paraBD.

Pour nous contacter et nous faire part de vos encouragements ou de votre investissement, merci d’écrire à l’adresse : lessculpteursdebulles@laposte.net

Cosey, ‘Le Bouddha d’Azur’ and  ‘Les Sculpteurs de Bulles’

The association ‘Les Sculpteurs De Bulles’, specialists of the production of statues of comics heroines, wants to produce an extraordinary piece, taken from Bernard Cosey’s ‘Le Bouddha d’Azur’, by the end of 2010.

The statue will be a representation of two versions of the character Lhahl, sitting in the lotus position, back to back. One version shows Lhahl in a contemporary version – a vision of the modern Tibetan woman – as represented in the pages 74 till 78 of part 2 of ‘Le Bouddha d’Azur, when she is discussing with Porridge; the other version shows Lhahl in the version ‘Avatar Tulku’, a living representation of the traditional Tibetan heritage, the Bouddhist avatar, incarnated memory of the Tibetan culture, dressed in her traditional garment – as represented on page 54 of part 2.

The edition of this exceptional piece, created by Max Gillespie, will consist of 40 pieces. The height of this polychrome resin statue, made out of multiple moulds, will be approximately 30 cm.

Sales price by subscription will be 800 euros. The public sales price without subscription will be 1100 euros.

‘Les Sculpteurs De Bulles’ will start the production of this pieces when 20 subscribers are found. They will be asked to pay the amount in 3 payments, with 2 to 3 months intervals. The payments will be used to pay for the copyrights, the sculptor and the production – stretched over time as to avoid the subscibers to pay the total amount at once.

At this moment, 4 subscribers have indicated they want to participate in this extraordinary adventure, in cooperation with a serious association and an author, who has acquired through the years and by his art an incomparable notoriety.

‘Les Sculpteurs De Bulles’ and Bernard Cosey would be happy to have you as future buyers of this exceptional piece, that will become a quality reference in the world of ParaBD, like the other statues of Max Gillespie.

To contact us, to send us your encouragements or you investment, please write to: lessculpteursdebulles@laposte.net